The recently re-opened Clinica Delgado in Peru has installed state-of-the-art Ibernex technology.



The new Clinica Delgado has three centres of excellence: Accident & Casualty, Cardiovascular unit and Maternity centre, as well more than 40 medical specialities. The more than 64.000 m2 distributed in 2 tower buildings house 170 beds, 9 operating theatres and 90 consulting rooms, as well as other departments.

The Clinic was looking for an patient-staff intercom system that meets the quality standards set by the level of services and assistance offered at the centre.


Ibernex’s powerful technology and our comprehensive Helpnex solution is the perfect software to meet the needs of the centre. Helpnex enables both warning messages and alarms to nurses and doctors to be sent, and the entire health centre to be managed.

The IP PoE patient – nurse call system is built into the headboards in patients’ rooms so, when they trigger an alarm by pressing the bedside button, the nurses automatically receive the alert on the monitor located at each control point and can see the source of the alarm (room and bed number, in the case of twin rooms) displayed.

The system is also integrated with the pagers that doctors carry, so they can be notified as soon as their presence in a room is needed, wherever they may be.

The use of cards and readers using RFID technology, connected to the four-colour corridor light fittings located above each door to patients’ rooms, makes it possible to log the exact person that responds to each alarm, how long it takes to get to the room, and how long their intervention there lasts.

These two mechanisms allow for close monitoring of health personnel’s tasks and duty rounds, which can be queried via customised reports generated in the programme.