Ibernex’s new development: Contract’s Module; Coordination of Business Activities (CAE)


noticias ibernex

In view of the need to comply with the R.D. 171/04 of January 30 for which the article 24 of Law 31/95 of Prevention of Labor Risk is developed, in the field of Coordination of Business Activities, Ibernex has developed the new Contract’s Module; Coordination of Business Activities (CAE), and Pikolin has been the first company to trust it.

It’s an extension of the software that allows to management of the register and/or discharge data companies, subcontracted workers and vehicles, included documentary management of certificates and expiration of them, with cancellation of access permissions.

Some of necessary documents are: Negative certificate of overdrafts to the National Health Service, TCs, List of Chemical Product’s Security Files that they bring to the facilities, Risk Evaluation and Planning of the preventive activity of the working place to recover to the work or contracted service…

The license includes the Contract Web Portal, which allows to subcontracted companies to manage all documentation electronically.

In addition, it allows to define the current or future works to perform, what employees will participate, documents that must have to be current to be able to realize the work. If a worker or vehicle doesn’t have all current documents, he can’t Access to the facilities.

This new module has a series of features:

  • It works in web environment, for subcontracts and server client.
  • Every subcontract company loads its own documentation electronically, to have it always to current.
  • It files in a logical way the current and historical documents.
  • It allows to delete expired documents after a configurable time.
  • It notifies to the contractors and subcontractors via automatic emails when the documentation has been validated, rejected or expired.
  • It exports information to PDF and EXCEL formats.
  • Possibility to customize the web and reports.
  • It facilitates obligation of the Titular Company of information Exchange to download exclusive documents, compliance with the R.D. 171/04.
  • Management of companies and their employees.
  • Management of the duration of the works.
  • Configurable for several languages.
  • It ensures compliance with the LOPD: The required documentation only can see the responsible of the outsourced company (which are those who climb it) and the managers of the contracting company (who are who validate it).
  • Access to the web customized by User and Password
  • Possibility to be purchased together with the module of access (NX0421), which you can allow or automatically reject the subcontracted employees access to companies or to different areas of this
  • With just a glance you can know the status of documents depending on its color:
    • Red: Incorrect documentation, not rise, expired, without access.
    • Black: Correct and validated documentation.
    • Blue: Documentation without validate.

From Ibernex we are delighted to move forward in the development of product in order to cover all the needs of our customers or potential customers.